Year 6: 2023-2024 (Autumn Term)
What did Slade say? It’s Christmas!!
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) December 15, 2023
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their Christmas dinner this lunchtime.@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla
In case you didn’t know, long division takes a long time to complete 🥱 This week Year 6 are going to perfect their fluency skills to apply to some tricky problem solving questions later in the week. @MissDoyle_Falla @Miss_Carr_Falla @FallaParkSchool
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) December 4, 2023
Thank you to Demi from @SRTRC_England. We learn how our brains automatically judge what we see we shouldn’t always follow or assume stereotypes. This week’s homework is to think of the pledge we can make against racism!@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @Mrs_ARowan
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 23, 2023
Year 6 have been looking at scaling factors by the same amount to still have the same product. We used counters to make arrays to see this visually before completing some difficult mental calculations.@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @MissDoyle_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 23, 2023
To launch our History topic - Tutankham-who? The children explored some Ancient Egyptian artefacts. There were lots of questions about what they were and why they were important.@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @Miss_Atkinson4
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 23, 2023
Some of our children from Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic time at the bowling competition organised by @GatesheadSSP. We were thrilled to have earned ourselves a GOLD medal 🥇@FPMrsMcMillan @Miss_Carr_Falla @FallaParkSchool
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 14, 2023
Year 6 are proud of their worry monsters after spending time creating them with their grown ups at our open event. We can’t wait to share them with Year 1 later this week as we celebrate #AntiBullyingWeek @FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @Mrs_Crellin
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 13, 2023
Thank you to our grown ups who attended our DT open event this afternoon. We loved your help in making our Worry Monsters. We hope Year 1 are excited for us to return the, next week!@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @Mrs_Crellin
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 9, 2023
In DT, we presented our research using pie charts. @MissDoyle_Falla will be happy to hear about all the maths we applied to present our findings.@Mrs_Crellin @Miss_Carr_Falla @FallaParkSchool
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 8, 2023
In DT, Year 6 plan to create worry monsters to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week. We met our target audience, the children in Year 1, as they helped us create the perfect design. We can’t wait to deliver them next week! @FallaParkSchool @Mrs_Crellin @Miss_Carr_Falla @Miss__McVeigh
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) November 6, 2023
@FallaParkSchool’s Year 6 have been inspired by @HGold_author’s The Last Bear! We decided to write a letter to our local MP @IanMearnsMP to encourage him to support us in the war on plastic pollution so we can protect animals like Bear!@Miss_Carr_Falla @MrsBarter_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) October 25, 2023
Year 6 have been recalling their knowledge on maps this week. We remembered some of the different symbols and how to find a six figure grid reference! We even experimented with using the scale to find the distance between places.@FallaParkSchool @MrsYoungfp @Miss_Carr_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 26, 2023
Year 6 are thrilled to have received a very special gift from @Miss_Carr_Falla! Our own set of The Last Bear Books from our class author @HGold_author.@MrsBarter_Falla @FallaParkSchool
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 26, 2023
Year 6 were treated to the most beautiful view at @TheSillNland! We had an amazing day practising our mapping skills as we created our own living compass 🧭 We’re ready to climb our next summit up Windy Nook to compare the view!@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @MrsYoungfp
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 25, 2023
Year 6 have been developing their classification skills. We started by classifying Heroes chocolate before applying our skills to a range of animals. We even managed to wait ten minutes to eat the chocolate!@Miss_Carr_Falla @Mrs_Crellin @FallaParkSchool
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 18, 2023
During our first week, Year 6 created some artwork to reflect our school values. We were inspired by the work of @charliemackesy after reading his book - The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse.@FallaParkSchool @Mrs_ARowan @FallaMrsMcM @Miss_Carr_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 14, 2023
Year 6 received a clue about our first text of the year, The Last Bear by @HGold_author - our class author. We used our inference skills as we predicted what has happened to our polar bear friend and why.@MrsBarter_Falla @Miss_Carr_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 8, 2023
I’m glad Year 6 love maths as much as we do @MissDoyle_Falla! This week we have started looking at mathematical structures. We challenge you to ask us the difference between an additive and multiplicative structure!@FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 8, 2023
Who can create the tallest, best tower? ✉️
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 8, 2023
Inspired by Taskmaster, Year 6 were set their own challenge. To show off our @Skills_Builder skills to the taskmaster, Mr V! The reward you ask, a coveted ‘Find Mr Smith’ scratch card. @FallaParkSchool @Miss_Carr_Falla @Mrs_Crellin
Say hello 👋 to @FallaParkSchool’s Year 6 Sharks! We have had a fantastic first week in school and are looking forward to the year ahead!@Miss_Carr_Falla
— Mr Smith (@MrSmith_falla) September 8, 2023