School Uniform
We expect all our children to wear school uniform each day. At Falla Park the unform is:
- White polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or red cardigan (with or without the school logo)
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Black shoes
- Red gingham dress
Please note that leggings, track suit bottoms or trainers must not be worn.
Children will also need a school PE kit. Children will need to come to school wearing their kit on their PE day. The class teacher will let you know what day this is. At Falla Park our school PE kit is:
- Red t-shirt (plain)
- Plain black joggers or leggings
- Plain black hoody
- Trainers
How To Order
School uniform can be ordered online. Please click on the link below which will take you to the School Trends website. Payment is made online and orders are delivered directly to your home address.
school uniform ordering information.pdf