Falla Park Community Primary School

  • Class Dojo
  • Parent Pay

Governing Body

Governors work closely with headteachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA).

Our Vision As Governors

As Governors we are passionate about our school. We are actively involved in the life of the school and are committed to moving the school forward. We work in partnership with staff and parents and are actively involved in the decision making process. We support and challenge the leadership team and other staff to improve outcomes for our children. As Governors we strive to ensure our children get the best possible start in life.

Who Are School Governors?

School governors are in place to ensure schools are well run. They are volunteers who help to decide on the direction, focus and ethos of the school. Governors represent the school staff, parents and the local community. This means that school decisions are made by people with a wide range of experience and views.

What School Governors Do?

As stated in the DfE’s Governance Handbook, the responsibilities of the governing body are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent


Governing Body 2024-2025

The information below gives further information about the governing body of our school for the current academic year.

Membership and Vacancies image


Committee Membership image


Governing Body Regulations image



Committee Terms of Reference

committee terms of reference.pdf


Governor Register of Interests

register of interests.pdf


Governing Body 2023-2024

The information below detail further information relating to the governing body including attendance at meetings for the previous academic year.

2023-2024 Membership and Vacancies image


2023-2024 Committee Membership image

2023-2024 Governing Body Meeting Attendance image

2023-2024 Committee Meeting Attendance image