Falla Park Community Primary School

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Physical Education


At Falla Park Community Primary School our aim is to encourage and support all children to enjoy and fully engage in Physical Education (PE) and School Sports. Through our curriculum, children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. Our children will know how and why it is important to live a happy, healthy lifestyle – both physically and mentally. Our PE Curriculum and Extra-Curricular opportunities encourage children to practice the School Games Values of determination, passion, respect, honesty, self-belief and teamwork – which are encouraged to be applied in all areas of their life both inside and outside of school.


Children from Reception up to Year 6 participate in a weekly PE lessons and physical activity.  Following the Complete PE Scheme, our curriculum is carefully mapped, with the support of specialists, to ensure there is a progression of skills across each key stage.  To develop high-quality teaching, we are supported by Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership and a range of coaching expertise.  Specialist coaches support staff in the delivery of high-quality teaching, planning and assessment by targeting specific sports identified as an area of development.  Children in Year 5 access weekly swimming lessons at the local Leisure Centre and catch up swimming is offered to Year 6 children during the Summer Term to ensure all our children meet the statutory swimming requirement.

All Physical Education lessons contain children with a wide range of abilities. We recognise that some of our children may be more skilled and will need to be challenged whilst others will need activities and skills differentiated into their component parts.  To ensure we meet the needs of all learners in our lesson, class teachers follow the STEP framework to differentiate activities as appropriate.  By following this framework, teachers are encouraged to consider the space, task, equipment and people when planning lessons to ensure that all our children can achieve success and enjoyment from the lesson.

Our curriculum is enriched further with our extra-curricular provision, delivered both during school and after school.  At Falla Park Community Primary School, we ensure that all children, regardless of their ability, are encouraged and provided the opportunity to participate in a range of intra-school and inter-school competitions, organised by the Gateshead Schools Sports Partnership.  Our wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs are driven by the interests of the children in our school and are open to children of all abilities and gender.  Some clubs, for example, Football and Dance have further events outside of the school, where they can perform or compete to a larger audience; this includes, but is not limited to, the Felling Primary Schools Football Association tournaments and Gateshead School Sports Partnership’s Dance Festival.

We are committed to our delivery of the Chief Medical Officer’s 60 Active Minutes Campaign. Therefore, a selection of children in Year 5 are invited to become Sports Playground Leaders. Attending a leadership session delivered by the Gateshead School Sports Partnership, the children are encouraged to enhance the sporting opportunities for younger children by delivering activities during our playtimes.  Acting as leaders, the children will support with the delivery of sporting activities across school and meet with the PE Lead to discuss sport and sporting opportunities within school.


Teaching staff at Falla Park Community Primary School help motivate children to participate in a variety of sports through high quality teaching that is engaging and fun for our children.  From our lessons and extra-curricular provision, we equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for sport.  Our children demonstrate an awareness of their own health (including mental wellbeing) and fitness.  Many of our children enjoy the success of competitive sports, both in and out of school, and their achievements are celebrated in our school assemblies.  At Falla Park Community Primary School we hope our children grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills, knowledge and values acquired through PE and sport.


PE Curriculum Overview