Falla Park Community Primary School

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At Falla Park, we strive to provide children with many opportunities to see and experience a range of careers which encourage them to aim high and promote their future career aspirations.  We hope children will gain the knowledge and skills to enable them to access and take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences throughout their life.  We also follow the ‘Skills Builder Framework’ and throughout our curriculum and our careers learning develop the eight key skills of Problem Solving, Listening, Speaking, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork.


Through the PSHE curriculum and careers development we cover many areas of the Careers Benchmarks.  Careers Days are held each term and developed throughout the year.  Visits and visitors are a valuable part of the career days and are used to enhance children’s experiences and local area is also used to provide children with key knowledge about careers in the locality.  Development, ideas and activities are recorded yearly in a Careers and Aspirations Booklet which travels through school with the children.   The Skills Builder Hub and resources are clearly linked with careers and these are displayed in every class and regularly referred to.

The school and subject leader has involvement in the Primary Careers Pilot with North East Ambition (North East Ambition Benchmarks) and key developments regularly inform and update practice and ideas.


Children’s experiences and career aspirations are developed through carefully designed days and throughout the curriculum.  Children have an increasing knowledge and awareness of different roles and careers through a ‘see it to be it’ approach.  Children find out about careers from different sectors and find out about different routes to take to continue their education.  The children study people in the local environment and look at local issues and think about jobs that are needed to support these issues.

Throughout their time in school, children are encouraged to aim high and that they can achieve anything they set their mind to.

Careers Curriculum Overview